About the
Battle of Olympus

The Battle of Olympus hackathon is designed to showcase the skills and creativity of our developer community while laying the foundation for the Movement ecosystem. Participating developers will form the core of our "Masons" guild, shaping the future of our ecosystem, contribute to its growth, and gain recognition for their valuable contributions.

How to Participate

The Battle of Olympus features a unique gamified structure where participating teams can earn points and climb the leaderboard throughout the event (which ends September 17, 2024).

Teams must apply to participate in an 8-week virtual hackathon and build in these categories:

  • AI
  • Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePin)
  • DeFi and Financial Applications
  • Infrastructure and Developer Tools
  • Social and Community Tools
  • NFTs and Collectibles
  • Gaming and Entertainment
  • Miscellaneous Category

Rewards & Recognition

Standout projects will be recognized with attractive Web3 rewards, providing an excellent opportunity for developers to showcase their skills and gain visibility within the blockchain community.

Winners from each category will be selected by esteemed judges based on well-defined criterias, including innovation, technical excellence, user experience, and potential impact on the Movement ecosystem.

Mentorship & Support

Guidance and support will be available throughout the program. Movement Labs will provide resources, documentation, and access to our team of experts via mentorships, workshops and AMAs to help participants build and refine their projects. Teams located or visiting the San Francisco Bay Area are welcome to meet with the Movement Team for additional support.

How to Participate

  1. Form a team of up to 4 members
  2. Submit one application per project for your team on the official Battle of Olympus website
  3. Teams will be selected to participate virtually
  4. Join the Movement Labs developer community on Discord to connect with other participants and stay updated on the latest announcements
  5. Build your project using the Movement Labs devnet and testnet. Mentorships and Workshops will be available
  6. Submission: Teams submit their final projects along with a 3-minute demo video by September 3, 2024
  7. Preliminary Judging: Judges review submissions based on concept, execution, and use of Movement-native features

Key Dates

  • Registration Opens: June 13, 2024
  • Hackathon Begins: July 17, 2024
  • Hackathon Ends: September 17, 2024
  • Submission Deadline: September 3, 2024

Judging and Winners Announcement:
The Battle of Olympus winners will be announced in mid-September.


How will the projects be judged?

1. Concept

Is the project idea innovative and valuable to end-users? Does it have the potential to make a significant impact on the Movement ecosystem?

2. Execution

Is the project well-designed and built? Does it demonstrate technical proficiency, attention to detail, and a seamless user experience?

  • Website
  • Docs
  • Socials: Twitter, Discord, Telegram

3. Movement-Native

Does the project leverage unique features of the Movement ecosystem that cannot be replicated on other platforms?
How well does it utilize Movement-specific technologies like the MEVM, Fractal, and the Movement Shared Sequencer?
Teams must demonstrate a comprehensive and impactful project that utilizes Movement's unique features.
Judges will assess based on concept innovation, execution quality, and Movement-native integration.

Will there be any post-hackathon support for projects?

Yes, there will be ongoing grants and investor spotlight.

How can I contact the organizers if I have more questions?

Contact through Movement Discord: Movement Discord

Where can I find more information about the hackathon?

How can I get help if I encounter any issues during the hackathon?

We will host an exclusive environment for Olympus builders to chat and network. Teams in the San Francisco area can network with Movement in-person.

What are the rules of the hackathon?

To participate in the Battle of Olympus hackathon, follow these steps:

  • Form a team of up to 4 members
  • Submit an application for your team on the official Battle of Olympus website
  • Teams will be selected to participate virtually
  • If teams are local, they’re welcome to work from the Movement Labs office in San Francisco
  • Join the Movement Labs developer community on Discord to connect with other participants and stay updated on the latest announcements
  • Build your project using the Movement Labs testnet Mentorships and Workshops will be available
  • Submission: Teams submit their final projects along with a 3-minute demo video by September 3, 2024
  • Preliminary Judging: Judges review submissions based on concept, execution, and use of Movement-native features

Can we submit multiple projects?

Yes, you can submit multiple projects as long as the projects add value, but keep in mind that points will be awarded based on quality over quantity.

How can I find a team to join?

You can network with other developers in our Movement Discord dev chat, as well as our other Move builder chats.

How is Testnet different from Devnet?

Testnet is a live network environment used for final-stage testing before deploying on the mainnet, providing a realistic setting to ensure stability and performance. Devnet is a more controlled, internal testing environment primarily used for development and early-stage testing, offering more flexibility and access for developers to experiment.

How do I get $MOVE test tokens? Is there a faucet?

You can use our Faucet or refer to the docs: Movement Labs Documentation

Is there an Explorer for the Movement Labs network?

Yes! Check out our M1 devnet explorer here: Movement Labs Explorer

Are there any prerequisites or required skills?

Any software development background is useful! Rust developers will love Move's familiar syntax.

Will there be any resources or tools provided?

Yes. Within the first weeks, there will be team introductions, brainstorming sessions, workshops, etc.

Other Learning resources:

What languages will be supported for the Movement testnet?

At first, Aptos Move will be supported. We are adding support for other languages including Solidity and Sui Move.

What if I want to deploy a Solidity and/or Sui contract to the Battle of Olympus?

Solidity and Sui Move developers can still fully participate in the Battle of Olympus, and are eligible for the same rewards as Aptos Move teams.